Performance Guarantee

This includes up to 3 mock interview resits and 2 Private Tutorial resits. We understand the stakes are high and the interview preparation timeline being tight doesn’t help. Let our Performance Guarantee be your motivation to kickstart your interview preparation early, allowing yourself the best chance to succeed.

Immersive Program

This product is part of the ‘Immersive’ program and must be purchased in addition to the “Immersive Starter” pack. The Immersive Starter enables you access to the foundational components of our course, including our Interview atlas, our money back guarantee and a student concierge service. Historically, we have found that students who have access to these fundamentals are significantly more successful, as they are able to make full use of the additional items they’ve purchased.

Secure your medical career with Fraser's Interview's Performance Guarantee. Tailored for both UG and PG medical interviews, our program ensures dedicated support until you receive your med school offer.